Monday 26 May 2014

Project Reflection

I have particularly enjoyed this project and feel that it has been my most fulfilling project to date. I have dramatically increased my knowledge and developed my skills. I have considerably enjoyed producing this project as well most likely due to these factors. There are countless examples of what I have learnt, I think the most beneficial aspect has been the production of the kitchen. Again, I have surprised myself with what I am able to produce and the knowledge that I have gained. Specifically the creating the lighting set up in the scene was a huge learning curve for me. Previously I had little knowledge of producing appropriate lighting for a scene therefore I used this project as an opportunity to develop these skills and spent a lot of time researching and experimenting with lighting as well as increasing my knowledge. I also learnt about three point lighting and used this for renders of the objects within the scene. I now feel that I would be comfortable producing a lighting set up for a scene and am keen to develop my knowledge further as I still have a lot to learn. I also developed my skills regarding texturing and modelling of which I am always eager to do as texturing is a passion of mine.

I do feel that there is a lot that I could improve on especially with the final animation. There were many reasons as to why I was not able to produce the animation to the standard I had hoped, time was one of these factors. Even though we did have a fair amount of time to complete this project, I also had several others which involved using Maya and rendering which restricted my use of Maya; I was not able to begin rendering until later than I had anticipated as I had to render other projects as well.

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