Tuesday 4 March 2014

Kitchen Environment - Lighting

I have not created a night time scene which obviously involves different lighting. This is a good opportunity for me to develop my skills as I feel that lighting is currently not one of my strong points.
Here I have just been experimenting with the different ways of producing the lights in my scene.

By focussing so much on the lights themselves, I have not produced realistic lighting in my scene. Some feedback that I received from one of my lecturers that the lighting is unrealistic as there are no shadows. I don't know how I didn't notice that but I knew that something didn't look right. He then informed me of the three point light system. 

I did some research on interior lighting using Mental Ray and came across a Digital Tutors tutorial entitled exactly that. This tutorial was about 3 hours long but half way through I was already beginning to see results. 

This method included using an IES map which contains accurate light attributes and attaching an exposure lens to the camera, I have not used these methods before therefore it was interesting and I definitely felt that I learnt a lot. 

In these stages I plugged an IES light map into the point lights which contain the attributes of a realistic light. 

In the next stages I attached an exposure lens filter to the camera. Because I used this, I had to Gamma correct all of my textures. 

At this stage I edited the white point of the camera filter to give a less white glow from the light. 

Here I began to put in the hanging lights. 

I have lost the shadows, I think this is because I have too many lights so close together. I deleted some of the lights and I think it looks better. 

I then assigned a lambert to the lights. I used an Orange for the colour and increased the ambient. I also increased the glow under the special effects tab. 

I experimented with the value beginning with 2.

This is a glow of 1.5

This is a glow of 1 which I think is the most appropriate as the previous ones look slightly too bright.

After taking several more steps such as improving glossy materials and indirect illumination within my scene, I am now happy with the finished product.

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