Tuesday 25 March 2014

Animation Key Frames

Here are the key frames for my animation. I have decided to stick with my initial instinct of not having the cat in the frame as I received feedback that suggesting that it would look better without. The scenes are not finished at this stage so it is just a basic sequence of shots. 

Monday 24 March 2014

Modelling - Kitty Kingdom: Smaller details Part 2

I have split this into two parts as I am going into quite a lot of depth with my modelling therefore I wanted this to be visible, individuals who are uninformed regarding 3D Animation may not appreciate the time and effort and skill that go into each model.

As I previously stated, I wanted to experiment with the idea of cat flowers. I took this image and edited it.

I then modelled a 'flower' in maya. 

I felt that the flowers need some leaves so I modelled and textured a leaf. 

This is the finished 'Cat flower' which I am pleased with. 

Saturday 22 March 2014

Kitty Kingdom - Texturing

The base of Kitty Kingdom is a grassy, hilly valley. As I previously stated, the structure of the environment is highly influenced by The Lorax.

I particularly like the composition and depth within these scenes which is something similar to what I hope to achieve to give the impression that the environment is a large kingdom. 

I have not previous produced a grass texture that I have been entirely happy with. I have previously experimented with the PaintEffects in Maya however, for these materials to look good in Mental Ray, they need to be converted to polygons which results in a ridiculously high poly count and slows down the rendering time dramatically. 

I modelled the hills in Mudbox, starting with a flat plane. 

One of my peers informed me of a method of texturing in MudBox where you project an image and paint it on to the object. I did this which looked good in MudBox but when I sent it to Maya, it looked like this:

Obviously the lighting isn't great, I just stuck one in without altering it but I was not happy with this result, I feel that it looks really unrealistic. 

I then decided to texture it in Maya instead which resulted in this:

I am a lot happier with this result as it is closer to the visual I was looking for. 

Friday 21 March 2014

Modelling - Kitty Kingdom: Smaller details

In Kitty Kindgom, everything is cat related (of course) therefore I am going to create objects with a 'cat twist'. For example the trees are not going to be standard trees, they are going to be cat themed trees. As previously stated, I have asked many people what they think Kitty Kingdom would look like therefore i am going to combine ideas.

There are many stereotypical things that cats 'like' such as balls of yarn and cardboard boxes.

When I decided to make a yarn ball I was unsure of how to model it and could not find any tips online therefore I created a polygon sphere and put a polygon torus around the outside.

I then duplicated the torus many times and placed them in different positions around the sphere which resulted in this final model of which I was happy with. 

I then experimented with different textures and colours. 

From my experience, a majority of cats love cardboard boxes therefore I feel that there needs to be some in the scene.

This was simple to model, I created a cube, deleted the top face and extruded the edges to make the flaps. I then applied a cardboard box texture.

Another popular item with cats is a scratching post. 

As scratching posts have a rough texture, I had to try and replicate this to make it look more realistic. I found that the material used on scratching posts is called sisal rope so I found a couple of textures and experimented with which one gave the best visual. I also produced a bump map to give the texture depth. I felt that the second image looked more appropriate. 

Using the yarn balls and the scratching posts, I am going to make trees for the environment. 

Modelling - Kitty Kingdom

I have collected ideas and researched different aspects to help me create Kitty Kingdom. I have decided on several items to model such as scratching post trees, balls of yarn, cardboard boxes, flowers and more and have essentially created a 'mood board'.

Stereotypically there are many things associated with cats such as playing with yarn balls, drinking milk, catching mice and more.

As Kitty Kingdom is a fantasy land, I think that small details are important to reinforce this. I am going to essentially mimic the real world but make everything cat related. 

 I like the idea of the flowers being animals in Alice In Wonderland therefore I am going to experiment with creating cat flowers.

I found this image which is along the lines of the visual I was looking for therefore I am going to experiment with it. 

All cats seem to love boxes so I am going to incorporate them. 

I like this concept of cat shaped clouds as I want everything in the kingdom to have a cat theme. 

Scratching is important to cats and I have come with an idea of modelling scratching post 'trees'.

No Kingdom would be complete without a castle/palace. This is going to be one of the main structures within the environment so the production of this model will be important as it will reinforce the idea of a kingdom. 

Kitchen Environment Complete

This is the kitchen now complete and I am happy with the finished product. I have learnt a lot producing this particular scene and have once again surprised myself with my abilities.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Animation Tests

Here are some short animation tests to ensure that the scenes and animation are correct.

Modelling - Kitchen: Work in progress

Here are some screen shots of the modelling I have done so far and how the scene has progressed: